Rivotril belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs that have anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects. It is primarily used to treat neurological disorders, such as:

  1. Epilepsy: Rivotril tablet is commonly used as an anticonvulsant medication to treat various types of seizures, including absence seizures (petit mal), myoclonic seizures, and akinetic seizures. It reduces the frequency and intensity of seizures.
  2. Anxiety Disorders: Rivotril tablet is used for the treatment of various anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. It alleviates anxiety symptoms by promoting relaxation and reducing excessive brain activity.
  3. Panic Disorder: Rivotril tablet is also used for the treatment of panic disorder, a condition characterized by recurrent panic attacks and anticipatory anxiety.
  4. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS): Rivotril tablets may be used for the management of restless legs syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move the legs, usually accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  5. Bipolar Disorder: Rivotril tablets may be used as an adjunctive treatment for bipolar disorder, particularly for the management of acute manic episodes or agitation associated with the condition.
  6. Insomnia: In some cases, Rivotril tablets may be used as a short-term treatment for insomnia, particularly when associated with anxiety or sleep disturbances caused by muscle spasms.

Off-label Uses of Rivotril Tablet

  1. Akathisia: Rivotril tablets may be used off-label for the treatment of Akathisia, a condition characterized by inner restlessness and a compelling need to be in constant motion. It helps alleviate the symptoms and improve overall comfort.
  2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Rivotril tablets may be used in the treatment of OCD, a condition characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. Rivotril may help reduce anxiety and manage symptoms associated with OCD.
  3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Rivotril tablets may be used to manage anxiety and sleep disturbances associated with PTSD. It helps to alleviate symptoms such as nightmares, insomnia, and hyperarousal.
  4. Alcohol Withdrawal: Rivotril tablets may be utilized to assist in the management of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, agitation, and seizures.
  5. Movement Disorders: Rivotril tablets may be used in the treatment of certain movement disorders, such as essential tremor and tardive dyskinesia, to help reduce tremors or abnormal movements.
Rivotril Uses and Indications

What is Rivotril?

Rivotril is one of the leading brands of Clonazepam, manufactured and marketed by Martin Dow Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.

Rivotril Alternatives : Other Similar Brands

Following are some alternative brands of Rivotril and their manufacturers.

  • Magura : Sami Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Epizip : Zafa Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Pakistan.
  • Nazepam : Glitz Pharma, Pakistan.
  • Setril : Saydon Pharmaceutical Industries (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Naze : Schazoo Laboratories, Pakistan.
  • Curo : Wilshire Laboratories, Pakistan.
  • Epitril : Geofman Pharmaceuticals.
  • Clonazil : English Pharmaceutical Industries, Pakistan.
  • Pospam : Lowitt Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Zaron : Raazee Therapeutics (Pvt) Ltd.

Rivotril : Available Formulations and Strengths

Presently, Rivotril is available in Tablet and Drops Form

Rivotril Tablets : 0.5mg and 2mg strengths

Rivotril Drops : 0.25%w/v strength

Who Should Not Use Rivotril?

In addition, there are certain contraindications associated with taking Rivotril which must be taken into consideration prior to beginning treatment:

– Pregnant women should avoid using this medication due to possible harm caused during fetal development;

– People who have glaucoma may experience an increase in intraocular pressure when using this drug so caution must be exercised;

– Those who suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts may find that their condition worsens when taking this medication;

– People with liver disease may require lower dosages since their bodies cannot process drugs at normal rates;

– Elderly individuals typically metabolize drugs more slowly than younger adults so they need smaller doses than what would normally be prescribed;

– Those who have a history of substance abuse need careful monitoring while on this medication due to potential addiction risks associated with benzodiazepines like clonazepam.

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage of Rivotril?

Rivotril Dose for Adults and Children (10 years and above):

  • one tablet of 0.5mg 3 times a day.
  • The maximum Dose of Rivotril (for adults) is 4mg a day in 2 to 3 divided doses.

Rivotril Dose for Children (Under 10 years):

  • The dose is based on body weight or as recommended by a doctor. The dose is 0.01 to 0.03mg per kg per day and given in 2 or 3 divided doses.
  • The maximum Dose of Rivotril (Based on Body Weight) is 0.05mg per kg in 24 hours.

How Rivotril Works?

Rivotril works by binding with GABA receptors and enhancing the transmission of GABA (Gama Aminobutyric Acid). GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and it calms down overactive nerve cells in the brain which are responsible for causing seizures.

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