Mabil tablet is primarily used in conditions like cognatic cobalamine malabsorption, peripheral neuropathy, post-gastrectomy, and other neurological disorders. Following are some common and off-label uses of Mabil Tablets:

Common USes of Mabil Tablet

  1. Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Mabil tablet is often used to treat or prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to anemia, nerve damage, and other health problems.
  2. Pernicious Anemia: Mabil tablets may be indicated for the treatment of pernicious anemia, a type of anemia in which the body suffers from a lack of red blood cells.
  3. Nerve Damage: Mabil tablets have a protective effect on the nerves and may be helpful in the treatment of nerve damage caused by conditions such as diabetic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy.
  4. Memory and Cognitive Function: Mabil tablets may be used to improve cognitive function and memory in older adults.
  5. Mood Disorders: Mabil tablets may also be helpful in treating certain mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Off-label Uses of Mabil Tablets

  1. Peripheral Neuropathy: Mabil tablet is sometimes used off-label for the management of peripheral neuropathy, a condition characterized by nerve damage that can cause numbness, tingling, and pain in the extremities.
  2. Diabetic Neuropathy: Mabil tablets may be used for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, a type of peripheral neuropathy that occurs as a complication of diabetes. It can help alleviate symptoms and improve nerve function in individuals with diabetes.
  3. Fatigue and Energy Levels: Mabil tablet can used to address symptoms of fatigue and improve energy levels. It is thought to play a role in cellular energy production and may help combat fatigue in certain individuals.
Mabil Uses and Indications

What is Mabil?

Mabil is one of the leading brands of Mecobalamin, manufactured and marketed by Sami Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Mabil Alternatives : Other Similar Brands

The following are some alternative brands of Mabil and their manufacturers.

  • Methycobal : Hilton Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Cobolmin : Mecter International, Pakistan.
  • Neuromet : Merck Serono Pharmaceutical.
  • Mecobal : NabiQasim Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Nervon : Getz Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Mecogen : Genetics Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Qbal : Bosch Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan
  • Bezel : Saffron Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Incobal : Indus Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Elgin : Novartis, Pakistan.
  • Mylaxzon : Barrett Hodgson Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.

Mabil : Available Formulations and Strengths

Presently, Mabil is available in Tablet and Injection Forms.

Mabil Tablet : 500mcg strength.

Mabil Injection : 500mcg/ml strength.

Who Should Not Use Mabil?

Mabil is generally considered safe for most people when taken in appropriate doses. However, there are some contraindications in which Mabil may not be used.

Hypersensitivity: Individuals who are hypersensitive or allergic to Mabil or other forms of vitamin B12 should not use Mabil.

Leber’s disease: Mabil is contraindicated in patients with Leber’s disease, a rare inherited eye disease that can cause blindness. This is because Mabil may worsen the symptoms of this condition.

Polycythemia Vera: Mabil should not be used in patients with polycythemia vera, a rare condition in which the body starts to produce excessive amounts of red blood cells.

High Potassium Levels: Mabil may increase potassium levels in the blood, and therefore should be used with caution in patients with high potassium levels.

Renal Impairment: Mabil should be used with caution in patients with renal impairment, as it is excreted by the kidneys and may accumulate in the body in patients with kidney disease.

Pregnant and Nursing Women: During pregnancy and lactation Mabile should use with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage of Mabil?

For The Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Anemia: The usual dose is 2-4 tablets of Mabil per day

For Nerve Damage: The usual dose is 3-6 tablets of Mabil per day, the dose is depending on the severity of the condition.

For Cognitive Impairment: The usual dose is 1-2 tablets of Mabil per day.

For Fatigue (General Weakness): The usual dose is 1-2 tablets of Mabil per day.

Mabil Tablet and Injection contain the same strength of the drug. So, the Mabil Injection dose will be the same as tablets and administrated intramuscularly.

How Mabil Works?

Mabil works as a coenzyme for an amino acid (methionine) synthesis, which plays an important role in DNA and protein methylation.

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