Crafilm tablets are a combination medication that is used for gastric ulcer and acid reflux-related problems. The following are some common uses and indications of Crafilm Tablet:

  1. Gastric Ulcers: The use of Crafilm tablet forms a protective barrier over ulcers in the stomach. This barrier helps shield the ulcer from stomach acid and other digestive fluids, promoting healing.
  2. Duodenal Ulcers: Crafilm tablets are also used in the treatment of duodenal ulcers. The protective barrier formed by sucralfate can help with the healing process in the duodenum.
  3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Crafilm tablets can also be used in the management of GERD, a condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, leading to symptoms like heartburn and acid regurgitation.
  4. Gastritis: Crafilm tablet may be used in cases of gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, particularly when it’s associated with ulcers.
  5. Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: In hospitalized patients or those under significant physical stress, Crafilm tablets may be used to prevent the development of stress-related ulcers.
  6. Erosive Esophagitis: Crafilm tablets may be considered in the treatment of erosive esophagitis, a condition where the lining of the esophagus is damaged due to stomach acid.
  7. Hiatal Hernia: Crafilm tablet may be used to help manage symptoms associated with hiatal hernia, a condition where part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity.
  8. Symptomatic Relief of Heartburn and Indigestion: Using Crafilm tablets as an antacid can provide temporary relief from heartburn and indigestion by neutralizing stomach acid.

Off-label Uses of Crafilm Tablet

  1. Gastrointestinal Protection during NSAID Use: In some cases, healthcare providers may consider using Crafilm tablets to help protect the gastrointestinal lining in individuals taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which can sometimes cause gastric irritation.
  2. Radiation-Induced Esophagitis and Gastroenteritis: Crafilm tablets may be considered for the management of radiation-induced esophagitis and gastroenteritis, conditions where radiation therapy leads to inflammation and damage in the affected areas.
  3. Prevention of Stress-Related Mucosal Damage: In critically ill or hospitalized patients, Crafilm tablets might be used to prevent stress-related mucosal damage, which can occur in response to severe physiological stress.
  4. Esophageal Strictures: Crafilm tablets may be considered as an adjunctive treatment for esophageal strictures, particularly when inflammation is contributing to the narrowing.
  5. Aspiration Pneumonia: In cases of aspiration pneumonia, where stomach contents are breathed into the lungs, Crafilm tablets might be considered as part of a treatment plan to protect the esophagus and reduce further irritation.
  6. Gastric Mucosal Protection in Critical Care: In intensive care settings, Crafilm tablets might be considered to protect the gastric mucosa in patients at high risk for stress-related ulcers.
  7. Gastrointestinal Protection in Chronic Kidney Disease: Some healthcare providers may consider using Crafilm tablets in individuals with chronic kidney disease who are at higher risk for gastrointestinal bleeding.
Crafilm Tablet Uses and Indications

What is Crafilm?

Crafilm is a chewable tablet with a combination of Sucralfate and Calcium Carbonate, manufactured and marketed by Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pakistan.

Crafilm Tablet’s Alternatives : Other Similar Brands

The following medicines are not similar in composition but can be used as an alternative medicine to Crafilm.

  • Ulsanic : Highnoon Laboratories Ltd, Pakistan.

Crafilm : Available Formulations and Strengths

Presently, Crafilm is available in Tablet and Syrup forms.

  • Crafilm Tablet (Chewable): Sucralfate 250mg + Calcium Carbonate 100mg strength.
  • Crafilm Syrup: Sucralfate 1gm/5ml strength.

Who Should Not Use Crafilm? – Contraindications

Crafilm tablets have specific contraindications, meaning there are situations or conditions where the medication should not be used.

  1. Hypersensitivity or Allergy: Individuals with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to sucralfate, calcium carbonate, or any of the inactive ingredients in Crafilm tablets should not use it.
  2. Severe Kidney Dysfunction: Crafilm tablets may not be suitable for individuals with severe kidney dysfunction. The calcium content in calcium carbonate may exacerbate hypercalcemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) in these cases.
  3. History of Kidney Stones: Calcium carbonate (an active ingredient of Crafilm tablet) can increase the risk of kidney stones, so individuals with a history of kidney stones should avoid this combination.
  4. Electrolyte Imbalance: Individuals with known electrolyte imbalances, particularly hypercalcemia, should avoid the use of Crafilm tablets.
  5. Gastrointestinal Obstruction: Crafilm can form a protective barrier over ulcers, and it should not be used in cases of gastrointestinal obstruction, as it may impede the passage of food.
  6. Phosphate-Restricted Diets: Crafilm tablets can be problematic for individuals on phosphate-restricted diets.
  7. Severe Bleeding Disorders: Crafilm tablets should be used with caution in individuals with severe bleeding disorders, as sucralfate can interfere with blood clotting.
  8. Porphyria: Individuals with porphyria, a group of rare genetic disorders affecting the nervous system, liver, and skin, should avoid Crafilm tablets.
  9. Children and Adolescents with Renal Impairment: Due to the potential for elevated calcium levels, Crafilm tablets may not be suitable for children and adolescents with renal impairment.
  10. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: The safety of Crafilm tablets during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been well established. The potential risks and benefits should be carefully considered, and the medication should only be used if deemed necessary.

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage of Crafilm Tablet?

Crafilm Tablet Dose for Adults:

  • Chew 1 – 2 Crafilm tablets three times a day.
  • For better response, it is advised to chew Craflm tablet before a meal

How Crafilm Works?

Crafilm Chewable tablet contains Sucralfate and Calcium carbonate, which work in different ways to treat stomach and intestine problems.

Sucralfate is a medication that works by forming a protective barrier over the ulcerated area. This barrier helps to protect the ulcer from stomach acid and other harmful substances. Sucralfate does this by binding to proteins in the ulcerated area and forming a gel-like substance. This substance helps to protect the ulcer from acid and pepsin, the main enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach.

Calcium carbonate is an antacid that helps to neutralize stomach acid. It does this by reacting with stomach acid to form carbon dioxide and water. Calcium carbonate also helps to bind to bile acids, which are substances that can irritate the stomach lining.