Zentel syrup is an anthelmintic medication that is used to treat various parasitic worm infections. It is effective against roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and whipworms. The syrup formulation of Zentel is mostly recommended for children and adults where a low dose of medicine is needed. The following are some approved and off-label uses and indications of Zentel Syrup:

Approved Uses of Zentel Syrup

  1. Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections: Zentel syrup is often used for the treatment of intestinal worm infections, including:
    • Ascariasis: Zentel syrup is effective against the roundworm infection caused by Ascaris lumbricoides.
    • Hookworm Infections: It is used to treat hookworm infections caused by species such as Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus.
    • Whipworm Infections: Zentel syrup can be used for the treatment of whipworm infections caused by Trichuris trichiura.
    • Enterobiasis (Pinworm Infection): Albendazole syrup may be used to treat pinworm infections caused by the parasite Enterobius vermicularis.
    • Trichuriasis: Zentel syrup can be used to treat whipworm infections caused by the parasite Trichuris trichiura.
  2. Filariasis: Zentel syrup is sometimes used as part of the treatment regimen for lymphatic filariasis, a parasitic infection transmitted by mosquitoes. It may be used in combination with other medications.
  3. Tapeworm Infections: Zentel syrup is effective against certain tapeworm infections, including:
    • Neurocysticercosis: It is used for the treatment of neurocysticercosis, a parasitic infection of the central nervous system caused by the larval form of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium.
    • Echinococcosis: Zentel syrup is used in the treatment of cystic hydatid disease caused by the larval form of the dog tapeworm, Echinococcus granulosus.
  4. Other Parasitic Infections: Zentel syrup may be used off-label for the treatment of other parasitic infections, as determined by a healthcare professional. This can include certain types of threadworm infections or other less common parasitic infections.

Off-label Uses of Zentel Syrup

  1. Microsporidiosis: Zentel syrup may be used off-label to treat microsporidiosis, a parasitic infection caused by microsporidian species. It has shown some efficacy in managing certain types of microsporidial infections, especially in immunocompromised individuals.
  2. Giardiasis: Although the primary treatment for giardiasis is with anti-giardial agents like metronidazole, in some cases, Zentel syrup may be used off-label as an alternative treatment option. However, the efficacy of Zentel against Giardia lamblia may vary, and the decision to use it off-label should be based on individual patient factors and consultation with a healthcare professional.
  3. Strongyloidiasis: Zentel syrup may be used off-label in the treatment of strongyloidiasis, a parasitic infection caused by Strongyloides stercoralis. It has been shown to have activity against Strongyloides larvae and adult worms, but treatment regimens may vary depending on the severity of the infection and the patient’s immune status.
  4. Cysticercosis in Other Organs: While Zentel is approved for the treatment of neurocysticercosis (cysticercosis affecting the central nervous system), it may be used off-label for cysticercosis in other organs, such as the eye, muscles, or subcutaneous tissues. Treatment should be individualized and guided by a healthcare professional.
Zentel Syrup Uses and Indications

What is Zentel?

Zentel Syrup is one of the leading brands of Albendazole in oral liquid form, manufactured and marketed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

Zentel Alternatives : Other Albendazole Brands

The following are some alternative brands of Zentel Syrup and their manufacturers.

Bendazol : Stanley Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Xedol : Xenon Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Zepar : Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Albenza : Paramount Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.

Albangen : Genera Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.

Alben : Bryon Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Albendix : Neo Medix Pharma, Pakistan.

Almed : Razee Therapeutics (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Alovac : Siza International (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Bazol : Neutro Pharma (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Benda : Pharmedic (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.

Larex : Standpharm Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.

Zentel : Available Formulations and Strengths

Presently, Zentel is available in Syrup and Tablet forms.

Zentel Syrup : 200mg/5ml strength.

Zentel Tablet : 200mg strength.

Who Should Not Use Zentel?

Zentel syrup has certain contraindications, specific situations or conditions in which the use of this medication is not recommended due to potential risks or adverse effects.

Hypersensitivity: Zentel syrup is contraindicated in individuals who have a known hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to Zentel or any of its components.

Pregnancy: Zentel is known to cause harm to the fetus and should not be used during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester. It is contraindicated in pregnant women or women who may become pregnant during treatment or within one month after treatment completion. Adequate contraception should be used during treatment with Zentel.

Breastfeeding: Zentel is excreted in breast milk and may be harmful to the nursing infant. It is contraindicated in breastfeeding women, and an alternative feeding method should be considered during treatment with Zentel.

Liver Dysfunction: Zentel is primarily metabolized in the liver, and the presence of significant liver dysfunction can affect the clearance of the medication. It is contraindicated in individuals with severe hepatic impairment. Your healthcare professional will assess the risks and benefits of using Zentel syrup in such cases.

Recommended Daily Dosage of Zentel Syrup

Zentel Syrup Dose for Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infections:

Ascariasis, Hookworm Infections, and Whipworm Infections

  • The dose in both adults and children is 400 mg (10 mL of syrup) taken as a single dose.
  • Repeat treatment may be necessary in certain cases.

Zentel Syrup Dose for Neurocysticercosis:

  • For Adults: 400 mg (10 mL of syrup) taken twice daily with meals, for a total daily dose of 800 mg. Treatment duration may range from 8 to 30 days or longer, depending on the severity and location of the infection.
  • For Pediatric Patients: 15 mg/kg per day, divided into two doses, up to a maximum daily dose of 800 mg.

Zentel Syrup Dose for Other Parasitic Infections:

  • The recommended dose for other parasitic infections may vary. It is determined by a healthcare professional based on the specific infection being treated, the patient’s age, weight, and other individual factors.

How Zentel Works?

Zentel is an anthelmintic medication that works by disrupting the normal function and structure of parasitic worms, leading to their immobilization and eventual death. Its mode of action involves several mechanisms:

Inhibition of Tubulin Polymerization: Zentel binds to the protein tubulin, which is involved in the formation of microtubules, essential structures for cellular processes in worms. By binding to tubulin, Zentel disrupts the polymerization process, preventing the formation of microtubules necessary for cellular division, motility, and nutrient uptake in the worms.

Inhibition of Glucose Uptake: Zentel also interferes with glucose uptake and utilization by the parasites. Glucose is a vital energy source for worms, and the inhibition of glucose uptake deprives them of the necessary energy to survive and reproduce.

Disruption of Microtubule Structure: Zentel further disrupts the structure and function of microtubules by causing their depolymerization. This leads to severe structural and metabolic abnormalities in the parasites, affecting their normal physiological processes.

Impaired Energy Metabolism: Zentel interferes with the parasite’s energy metabolism by disrupting key enzymatic reactions involved in ATP production. This disruption weakens the parasites’ ability to generate energy, ultimately leading to their death.

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