Tandegyl Side Effects, Drug Interactions and Overdosage

Side Effects of Tandegyl

The following side effects have been reported in patients treated with Tandegyl;

Fatigue, sedation, occasionally CNS stimulation, particularly in children; rerely, dry mouth, headache, dizziness, skin rash, nausea, gastralgia and constipation. In very rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions associated with dyspnoea and/or shock have been observed following i.v. administration.

Drug Interactions

Antihistamines potentiate the effects of sedatives, hypnotics, MAO inhibitors and alcohol.


The effects of antihistamine overdosage may vary from central nervous system depression to stimulation. Anticholinergic symptoms such as dry mouth, fixed dilated pupils or flushing and gastrointestinal reactions may also develop.

Consists of elimination of the drug by gastric lavage administration of activated charcoal and symptomatic therapy.

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