Plasil tablet is a balanced combination of digestive enzymes. It is primarily used for gastrointestinal disorders due to hypomotility and enzyme deficiency. The following are some common indications of Plasil Tablet:

  • Difficult Digestion
  • Primary Gastric Hypomotility Syndrome
  • Gastritis (Chronic Dyspepsia)
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Flatulence
  • Eructations
  • GI Disorders due to Pharmacological Factors.
  • Halitosis
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome
Plasil Uses and Indications

What is Plasil?

Plasil is a combination of several different ingredients (drugs and digestive enzymes), manufactured and marketed by Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pakistan.

Plasil Alternatives : Other Similar Brands

The following are Some Alternative Brands of Plasil and Their Manufacturers.

  • Pepzyme : Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Plasenzyme : Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Clopil-Enzymes : Wilsons Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.

Plasil : Available Formulations and Strengths

Presently, Plasil is available in Tablet Form with the following strengths.

Each Plasil Tablet Contains:

  • Metoclopramide : 6mg
  • Pancreatin : 210P.U
  • Simethicone : 50mg
  • Bromelains : 35000P.U
  • Sodium Dehydrocholate : 20mg

Who Should Not Use Plasil?

Despite the potential benefits of Plasil discussed above, there are several contraindications that must be taken into consideration before beginning a course of treatment:

  • Hypersensitivity or Allergy: If an individual has a known hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the active ingredients or similar drugs, it is contraindicated to use Plasil tablet.
  • Gastrointestinal Obstruction: Plasil should not be used in cases of mechanical obstruction or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, as metoclopramide can increase the risk of further complications.
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: If there is active gastrointestinal bleeding or a history of gastrointestinal bleeding, Plasil should be avoided due to the potential risk of exacerbating bleeding.
  • Pheochromocytoma: This tablet should not be used in patients with pheochromocytoma, a type of tumor that affects the adrenal glands, as metoclopramide can stimulate the release of catecholamines and worsen the condition.
  • Seizure Disorders: Plasil tablet contains Metoclopramide which can lower the seizure threshold, so caution should be exercised in patients with a history of seizure disorders, and Plasil may be contraindicated in some cases.
  • Porphyria: Certain types of porphyria, a group of rare genetic disorders that affect the production of heme, may be contraindications for this tablet due to the potential for worsening symptoms.

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage of Plasil?

Plasil dose varies according to the severity of the conditions.

Plasil Dose for:

  • Food Indigestion
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Gastritis
  • Flatulence
  • Eructations

One Tablet Three Times a day.

How Plasil Works?

The mode of action of Plasil can be described based on the individual components:

  1. Metoclopramide: Metoclopramide primarily acts as a dopamine receptor antagonist. It blocks dopamine receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the brain. This action increases the motility of the stomach and intestines, promotes gastric emptying, and reduces nausea and vomiting.
  2. Pancreatin: Pancreatin is a mixture of enzymes (amylase, protease, and lipase) derived from the pancreas. These enzymes help in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. They supplement the natural enzymes produced by the pancreas, aiding in the breakdown of food components into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body.
  3. Simethicone: Simethicone is an antifoaming agent. It works by reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract. This action helps to break down and coalesce gas bubbles, making them easier to pass and reducing symptoms such as bloating, belching, and flatulence.
  4. Bromelain: Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes derived from pineapples. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce swelling and inflammation. Bromelain is thought to work by inhibiting certain pro-inflammatory substances and enzymes involved in the inflammatory process.
  5. Sodium Dehydrocholate: Sodium dehydrocholate is a bile salt that aids in the digestion and absorption of fats. It helps emulsify fats, enabling pancreatic lipase to break them down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed in the intestine.