Fusil-HC cream is a topical medication that contains a combination of a mild corticosteroid, and an antibiotic. Fusil-HC cream is used to treat certain skin conditions, usually those involving inflammation and infection.

About Fusil-HC Cream

  • Generic Name: Hydrocortisone + Fusidic Acid
  • Properties: Antibiotic + Corticosteroids
  • Manufactured and Marketed By: Tabros Pharma
  • Presentation: 5gm and 15gm Tube (Cream form)
Fusil-HC Cream Uses and Indications

Common Uses and Indications of Fusil-HC Cream

  1. Bacterial Skin Infections: Fusil-HC cream is often used to treat bacterial skin infections, including impetigo, infected eczema, and infected dermatitis. It has antibacterial properties and is effective against a variety of bacteria.
  2. Eczema (Dermatitis): Fusil-HC cream can be used to manage and reduce the symptoms of eczema, a chronic skin condition characterized by itching, redness, and inflammation. It helps to address both the inflammation and any bacterial infection that may be present.
  3. Contact Dermatitis: Fusil-HC cream may be used to relieve the symptoms of contact dermatitis, which occurs when the skin comes into contact with irritants or allergens.
  4. Intertrigo: Intertrigo is a condition where skin surfaces rub against each other and become irritated and inflamed. Fusil-HC cream can help alleviate symptoms and prevent bacterial overgrowth in these areas.
  5. Infected Cuts and Wounds: Fusil-HC cream may be used to treat minor cuts, abrasions, or wounds that have become infected.
  6. Folliculitis: Fusil-HC cream can be used to treat folliculitis, which is an infection of hair follicles that causes red, pimple-like bumps on the skin.
  7. Other Skin Infections: In some cases, healthcare providers may prescribe Fusil-HC cream for other types of localized skin infections.

Off-label Uses of Fusil-HC Cream

  1. Acne Cysts and Nodules: In some cases, healthcare providers may prescribe Fusil-HC cream to reduce inflammation and infection in severe acne cysts and nodules. It should not be used as a primary treatment for acne, and its use should be under medical supervision.
  2. Folliculitis Barbae (Razor Bumps): Fusil-HC cream may be used to treat folliculitis barbae, which is a condition where hair follicles become inflamed and infected after shaving.
  3. Mild to Moderate Steroid-Responsive Dermatoses: In certain situations, Fusil-HC cream may be used to manage mild to moderate inflammatory skin conditions not specifically mentioned in the approved indications. These conditions may include localized pruritic (itchy) skin disorders or specific types of dermatitis.
  4. Insect Bites: Some healthcare providers may recommend Fusil-HC cream for insect bites, especially when there is a risk of infection due to scratching or if the bites become inflamed.
  5. Perioral Dermatitis: Perioral dermatitis is a facial rash that primarily affects the area around the mouth. In some cases, Fusil-HC cream may be considered as part of a treatment plan.

Formulation and Ingredients of Fusil-HC Cream

Active Ingredients

  • Hydrocortisone: 1%w/w
  • Fusidic Acid: 2%w/w

Hydrocortisone: Typically present in concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 1%, hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid that provides anti-inflammatory relief.

Fusidic Acid: At concentrations of 2%, fusidic acid serves as the antibiotic component that combats bacterial infections.

Inactive Ingredients

The cream’s formulation may include inactive ingredients such as water, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, and propylene glycol, contributing to its texture and stability.

Fusil’s Other Formulations and Brand Names:

Proper Application

  • Cleanse and Dry: Before applying Fusil-HC cream, clean the affected area gently with mild soap and water. Ensure the skin is dry before proceeding.
  • Thin and Even Application: Apply a thin and even layer of Fusil-HC cream to the affected area. Avoid using excessive amounts, as this can lead to potential side effects.
  • Gentle Massage: Gently massage the cream into the skin until it is fully absorbed. Do not apply it to open wounds or broken skin.
  • Frequency and Duration: The frequency and duration of use will depend on the specific condition and your healthcare provider’s recommendations. Always follow their guidance for optimal results.

Who Should Not Use Fusil HC Cream? – Contraindications

  1. Hypersensitivity or Allergy: Do not use Fusil HC cream if you have a known hypersensitivity or allergy to hydrocortisone, fusidic acid, or any other ingredients in the cream. Allergic reactions can include itching, redness, rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing.
  2. Viral Infections: Fusil HC cream should not be used to treat viral skin infections, such as herpes simplex (cold sores) or chickenpox, as it is not effective against viruses and may potentially worsen the condition.
  3. Fungal Infections: Do not use Fusil HC cream to treat fungal skin infections, such as ringworm or athlete’s foot, as it is not effective against fungi and may exacerbate fungal growth.
  4. Tuberculosis (TB): If you have active tuberculosis or a history of tuberculosis, consult your healthcare provider before using Fusil HC cream, as corticosteroids may suppress the immune system and potentially worsen the infection.
  5. Perioral Dermatitis: If you have perioral dermatitis (a facial rash that typically occurs around the mouth), it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before using Fusil HC cream, as its use in this condition may require special consideration.
  6. Use on Open Wounds: Avoid applying Fusil HC cream to open wounds, cuts, or ulcerated skin unless directed by a healthcare provider, as it may not be suitable for such conditions.
  7. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It’s important to inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before using Fusil HC Cream. Your healthcare provider can weigh the potential risks and benefits of using this cream during these periods.
  8. Children: Use Fusil HC cream in children only as directed by a healthcare provider, and be cautious about its use on their face and for prolonged periods, as corticosteroids can have different effects in children.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: Is Fusil-HC Acid cream available over the counter?
    Fusil-HC cream is not an over-the-counter topical medication, it is available only on prescription use. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance.
  2. Q: How long does it take for the cream to show results?
    The time it takes for the cream to demonstrate results varies depending on the condition’s severity. Some individuals may experience improvement within days, while others may require more extended use. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions.
  3. Q: Are there any side effects associated with this cream?
    Side effects are possible, especially with prolonged or excessive use. These may include skin thinning, burning, or itching. If you experience adverse effects, consult your healthcare provider.
  4. Q: Can I use this cream on my face?
    Using Fusil-HC cream on the face should be done cautiously and under the guidance of a healthcare provider, as facial skin is sensitive.
  5. Q: Can I use the cream during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
    Consult your healthcare provider before using Fusil-HC cream during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. They will assess the potential risks and benefits for you and your baby.

Fusil-HC Alternatives : Other Similar Brands

The following are Some alternative brands of Fusil-HC Cream and their manufacturers.

  • Fusac-H : Sante (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Fusiderm-H : Seatle Pharma Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.
  • Fusidin-H : Zam-Zam Corporation, Pakistan.
  • Fudic-H : Shaigan Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Fusimed-H : Merera Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Fuskin-H : Pharma Health (Pvt) Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Melas-H : Atco Laboratories Ltd, Pakistan.
  • Fusiaim-H : Aims Pharmaceuticals, Pakistan.
  • Fsid-H : Derma Techno Pakistan.
  • Fusiway-H : Wisdom Therapeutics, Pakistan.